Short bio

Louis Favril holds a MSc in Clinical Psychology (2012) and Criminology (2014), and is currently working as a PhD researcher and academic assistant at the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University. His PhD research focuses on suicidal thoughts and behaviour in Belgian prisons. In his research, Louis collaborates with University of Oxford (prof. Seena Fazel), University of Glasgow (prof. Rory O’Connor), University of New South Wales (dr. Devon Indig), Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (dr. Anja Dirkzwager), and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), among others.

Work details

Selected societal impact activities

  • Feasibility study on data collection from drug consumption rooms in Europe
  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviour in Belgian prisons
  • Welzijn en Slachtofferschap gedurende de Studentenloopbaan (WESS) studie

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