Selected publications
- Vermeulen, Gert. (2017). Eyes wide shut: the privacy shield’s blunt denial of continued bulk, mass or indiscriminate collection or processing and unnecessary or disproportionate access and use by US intelligence and law enforcement authorities. In Gert Vermeulen & E. Lievens (Eds.), Data protection and privacy under pressure: transatlantic tensions, EU surveillance, and big data (pp. 49–75). Antwerp: Maklu
- Vander Beken, T. (2016). The Role of Prison in Europe: Travelling in the footsteps of John Howard. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vandevelde, S., Vander Laenen, F., Van Damme, L., Vanderplasschen, W., Audenaert, K., Broekaert, E. and Vander Beken, T. (2017). Dilemmas in Applying Strengths-based Approaches in Working with Offenders with Mental Illness : a Critical Multidisciplinary Review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 32, 71–79.
- Pauwels, L.J.R., Svensson, R. (2017) How robust is the moderating effect of extremist beliefs on the relationship between self-control and violent extremism? Crime & Delinquency (Online first) DOI: 10.1177/0011128716687757 | First Published January 10, 2017
- Cools, M., e.a., De Staatsveiligheid. Essays over 175 jaar Veiligheid van de Staat – La Sureté. Essais sur les 175 ans de la Surreté de l’Etat, Politeia, Brussel, 2005, 383p.
- Verhage, A. (2017). Great expectations but little evidence: policing money laundering. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 37(7-8), 477–490.
- Hardyns, W. & Rummens, A. (2018). Predictive policing as a new tool for law enforcement? Recent developments and challenges. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 24(3), 201-218.
- Raets, S., & Janssens, J. (2019). The financial approach to tackling trafficking in human beings. In O. Shentov, A. Rusev, & G. Antonopoulos (Eds.), Financing of organised crime : human trafficking In focus (pp. 97–108). Sofia, Bulgaria: Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD).
- De Bondt, Wendy. (2019). De rechtspositie van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen in België : naar het stapsgewijs erkennen van bekwaamheid en het breder invullen van het overwegen van diens belang. In Ellen Desmet, J. Verhellen, & S. Bouckaert (Eds.), Rechten van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen in België (Vol. 18, pp. 131–157). Die Keure.
- Best, D. & Colman, C. (eds) (2019) Strengths-based approaches to offending and substance use. From drugs and crime to recovery and desistance. London: Routledge
- Shabani M. (2019). Blockchain-based platforms for genomic data sharing: a de-centralized approach in response to the governance problems?. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION, 26 (1), 76-80. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocy149.
Staff publications
- Louis Favril
- Gwen Herkes
- Veerle Pashley
- Ligeia Quackelbeen
- Bob Rigo
- Thom Snaphaan
- Anse Stevens
- Frauke Wittevrongel
- Nele Audenaert
- Elise Blondeel
- Stéphanie De Coensel
- Aurélie De Meester
- Sven Dekleva
- Yinthe Feys
- Heleen Lauwereys
- Lucille Micheletto
- Sigrid Raets
- Anneleen Rummens
- Janneke Schokkenbroek
- Michelle Van Impe
- Minqi Zhao
- Freya Coppens
- Eddy De Raedt
- Sofie Depauw
- Nele Desmet
- Laurens van Puyenbroeck
- Frank Schuermans
- Bart Vanclooster
- Laurens Brusselmans
- Marjolein De Pau
- Joke Depraetere
- Jonas Dieussaert
- Elias Neirynck
- Geert Slabbekoorn