Prof. Dr. Yves Haeck

Faculty of Law and Criminology
Department of European, Public and International Law

Yves Haeck, PhD (Ghent University 2007) and Master and Bachelor in Law (Ghent University 1992) is a Professor at the Human Rights Centre and the Department of Constitutional Law of Ghent University, where he teaches ‘International Human Rights Law’, ‘Human Rights in Developing Countries’, ‘International Moot Court Human Rights’, ‘Migration Law’, ‘Constitutional Law’ and ‘Legal Clinic International Human Rights’. He is a Guest Lecturer at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) and is a former Associate Professor at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) of Utrecht University and a Visiting Professor at the University of Malta (Malta).

He is a co-founder of the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University and is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Inter-American & European Human Rights Journal and co-hosts a Blog on Top International Human Rights Courses, Traineeships & Jobs in Europe.

His research interests concern the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights, with a comparative focus on the Inter-American System and other regional systems, topics on which he has widely published and lectured.

He is co-authoring The European Convention on Human Rights. A Commentary (Intersentia Publishers, 2015, 900 p.), has co-authored the Handboek EVRM. Deel 1. Algemene beginselen (Manual on the European Convention on Human Rights) (Intersentia Publishers, 2004-5, 2777 p.) and Procederen voor het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (The Procedure before the European Court of Human Rights) (Intersentia Publishers, 2011, 467 p.) and is co-editing Interim Measures in International Human Rights Law (Oxford University Press, to be published in 2015).