News & events
Visit Honda 11 December 2018
The last company visit of 2018 was made to the car manufacturer Honda, located in North Sea Port in Ghent. After following a company presentation, the students made a visit to the Car Logistics division and parts warehouse.
Visit Lalement 4 December 2018
On the 4th of December, the maritime group visited the Head Office of ‘transport architect’ Lalemant, based in Ghent. The main focus was on chartering, road haulage, inland navigation…
Visit Galloo 27 November 2018
Following the visit to Sea-Invest on the 27th of November, a visit was made to the recycling company Galloo, the big scrap terminal in the port of Ghent and one of the few yards on the European ‘white list’ for ship recycling. The focus of this field trip was on dry bulk, scrap and ship recycling.
Visit Sea-Invest 27 November 2018
The last field trip in November started in the company Sea-Invest, one of the major bulkhandling groups in Europe. The occasion was extra special since the group was welcomed by two of our 2017-2018 alumi: Cassandra Van Bossche and Jan Van Hauwaert.
Visit of the Apollo in Flushing 27 November 2018
Protected by safety coats and matching helmets, the MSc group made a visit to the 'Apollo' of GeoSea, a unique offshore installation vessel of the Belgian dredging group DEME. The tour guide on this occasion was our own MSc student (and DEME employee) Dieter Rabaut.
London Trip 11-15 November 2018
The academic activities of the MSc in Maritime Science are complemented with a five-day study trip to London, which took place from 11 to 15 November 2018.
This trip consisted of visits to organizations and companies that are actively involved in maritime transport. This year visits were made to Lloyd’s Register, INMARSAT, the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPCF), International Maritime Organization (IMO), Marshall Islands Registry, Steamship Mutual and the International Maritime Bureau (IMB). Also a visit to the Belgian Embassy with a welcoming by the embassador was included in the programme.
Visit ArcelorMittal 30 October 2018
The next field trip took the group to steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal in Ghent. The focus of this trip was on raw materials supply and industrial logistics. After a global introduction on AMG, the students received an insight into the logistical operations, followed by a tour of the production facilities.
Visit DFDS 23 October 2018
Another guided tour was a visit to shortsea shipping operator DFDS in Ghent on October 23.
This field trip was focused on ro/ro. After a global introduction on DFDS, the students visited one of the ships and the terminal.
Visit Stukwerkers 16 October 2018
An Indian summery visit was made to the Ghent-based stevedoring company Stukwerkers Group NV, were the focus was laid on general cargo. After a global introduction of the company, a tour of the terminals in the port area was made to link theory to practice.
Visit North Sea Port 2 October 2018
The kickoff of the field trips of the MSc in Maritime Science class 2018-2019 was on 2 October 2018. The students visited North Sea Port Flanders, located in Ghent. After a global introduction on the port at the Visitors’ Centre, there was a guided tour of the port to give students a peek at the port activities in practice.

Team building trip 19 September 2018
In collaboration with North Sea Port, The Maritime Institute organised a Team building event for the department of European- Public and International Law of Ghent University. It was the perfect occasion to end a very busy academic year on the water in perfect weather conditions. The trip on the Jacob Van Artevelde was guided by the CEO of North Sea Port, Daan Schalck, who is also lecturer in the MSc in Maritime Science programme.

Graduation class 2017-2018
Summertime traditionally means saying goodbye to one class and welcoming new students at the beginning of a next academic year. Class 2017-2018 enjoyed a very festive graduation. After a well deserved vacation, they could look forward to finally start their maritime career.