Dr. Zacharoula Kyriazi
Zacharoula Kyriazi was a PhD researcher at the Maritime Institute between 2010 and 2017. Her research was funded by various research projects on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Ocean Governance, topics that have constituted her research focus until today.
Before and after that period she collaborated with other research institutes, European agencies, consultants and NGOs, around Europe and beyond, in the framework of scientific, and policy analysis projects, referred at regional seas such as the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, as well as at national and local scales.
Her research interests include: sustainability assessment of Blue Economy Sectors; Sustainable Blue Growth Scenario development and testing; effectiveness assessment of (sub)regional Blue Growth agreements; observation and assessment of (spatial) interactions and power dynamics, between various marine uses at the spatial and the decision making level with special focus on nature conservation, offshore renewable energy and fishing; observation and study of existing methodologies for the identification, prevention and resolution of marine conflicts; development and application of processes based on trade-off analysis and cooperative game theoretic solution concepts that ensure fair and equitable marine conflict resolution and; development and application of spatial decision making processes based on GIS and Multi-Criteria Evaluation in order to achieve multi objective optimized designation of MPAs and to support SBE and MSP decision making processes.