Prof. dr. em. Eduard Somers
Prof. dr. em. Eduard Somers studied Diplomatic Sciences and Law. He has also a degree in Sea and Shipping Law.
In 1980 he obtained a Ph.D. in Diplomatic Sciences on the subject of "De internationale zeestraten. Het recht van doorvaart in vredestijd. "
In 1985, he became Visiting Professor at the VUB at the Interuniversity Program: Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology (ECOMAMA), where he taught the course 'Legislation and Oceans'.
At Ghent University, prof. Eduard Somers was Director of the Maritime Institute until 2014. From 2000 until 2008 he was Dean of the Faculty of Law of Ghent University.
Since October 2015, prof. Somers is emeritus professor at the UGent. In 2019, he became chairman of the Royal Marine Academy.